All Contacts

Click on Calls & Contacts on the left hand menu to expand the list and then click on All Contacts sub-menu.

Note: Clicking on the group icon (quick-link) on the top left corner will also redirect you to the All Contacts page.

This is where all your contacts you have added into the system will be listed a tabular format. To view the full details of a certain contact, click on the First Name or the Last Name link to go to the Contact Manager page.

  1. First Name: The first name or the initial name of the contact as you have entered into the system.
  2. Last Name: The last name or the surname of the contact as you have as entered into the system.
  3. Date Added: The date on which you have added the contact into the system.
  4. Priority: The priority of the contact as you have specified into the system.
  5. Local Time: The current time in the region or the time zone where the contact belongs.
  6. Contact Method: The primary contact type to communicate with the person, i.e. phone, email,etc.
  7. Next Contact Date: The next date scheduled for contacting the person as you have specified in the system.

  • You can set the number contacts to be displayed (at once) from the drop-down list at the top left of the table.
  • You can directly Search for the contact you are looking for, by typing in the contact name in the Search box.
  • Navigate to other pages or toggle through the pages by clicking on the page number at the bottom of the table.